Friday, April 27, 2018

Week 14 Story: Emmett's New Clothes

Emmett was surfing the internet at work again, as he so frequently did. Because he was the owner of his company, New Clothes, he never worried about getting caught or criticized for his lazy behavior. Emmett simply hired smarter and more driven people to handle business functions for him, while he chose how to spend the profits. Emmett considered it an excellent set-up.

Each year, New Clothes hosted a fashion and lifestyle fair in their offices. They invited several up-and-coming designers to promote their creations to Emmett, in the hopes that they would be sold as a part of New Clothes' newest fashion line. New creative talent registered each year, so Emmett and his staff thought nothing of the group named Swindler and Swindler, but were eager to see what they would bring to the fair.

As the fair began the next week, Emmett was quickly swept into the flurry of beautiful fabrics, luxury accessories, and skilled young salesmen. However, there was one group at this year's fair that greatly surprised the New Clothes team. Swindler and Swindler were not designers at all - they were bartenders. The brother and sister team wore matching suits, and sold a still, clear liquid that they promised tasted like the nicest champagne, but only if its drinker was smart, savvy, and destined to be successful.

Emmett, who was always seeking to prove himself in the fashion industry, downed his first glass in one gulp. He tasted nothing. Refusing to acknowledge this to anyone around him, Emmett began raving about how delicious the beverage was; he had never tasted anything like it. He immediately ordered fifty cases for the whole office, and in his excitement, missed the sly glances exchanged by the Swindler and Swindler siblings.

Author's Note: This story was inspired by Han Christian Andersen's The Emperor's New Suit. In the fairy tale, a proud and vain emperor spends extravagant amounts of money on a new suit that is supposedly invisible to anyone who is stupid or unworthy of their position. No one in the kingdom can see the suit, because it does not exist, but they go on pretending, because no on wishes to be known as stupid. I worked to give this story a more modern twist by making the emperor a naive businessman, who is still obsessed with clothing.


  1. Hey Jessie! I hope you are doing well! I loved your story this week. The photo matched it very well. I have never read "The Emperor's New Suit," so this story was really fun for me. Giving the story a modern twist was also a good idea because it makes it more relatable. It seems like an everyday businessman haha

  2. Hi Jessie! The Emperor's New Suit was literally my favorite story that I read all semester, I thought it was hysterical. I really enjoyed your adaptation, it was different enough that I did not know what story you were basing it off until the very end. Your writing was really clear and easy to read as well. All in all, great job!

  3. Hi Jessie! I really liked your modern twist on the classic story the Emperor’s New Clothes. I definitely know some people who cannot lose face and must always been seen as the smartest people in the room. These are the types that I believe would fall for your Swindler & Swindler bartending company. Also you found a great picture for your story!

  4. Hey Jessie!

    I am very familiar with the original version of this story. It is one that my mom read to me often as a kid. I really like how you updated it! It is super clever and I could totally see some vain rich guy doing this. Great work!

  5. Hi Jessie! I think the modern twist you put on this story is fantastic, and I love how you changed the emperor to a business owner (in some cases the power they hold can be about equal). It's also really cool that you put in a logo for the company! It's the little details like that that really help bring the story to life.

  6. Jessie!

    What an awesome and creative way to retell this story! I love the name Swindler & Swindler. It’s like it is right there in your face that they are frauds, but everyone looks past that for a chance to prove how great they are. I also liked how you switched it up and make it a drink that they were selling. This was short and to the point and written so well! My favorite bit was the missed sly smile there at the end.

  7. Hey Jessie! I loved your take on The Emperor's New Clothes. It is really fun to see how different the story could be with a little creativity! My favorite part was the brother-sister duo sharing that sly look at the end. It really sold the idea of how one's pride can really be a goldmine for others - when they know how to play its insecurities. It was awesome!
