Friday, May 4, 2018

Famous Last Words: Last Week of Class

This week is my last week of undergraduate classes, so it feels only fitting to cap off four years of hard work with a final post. I have deeply enjoyed Myth and Folklore this semester, and wish that I had given more time and attention to it throughout the past fifteen weeks. Regardless of my time management in relation to this class, I have loved learning so much more about mythological traditions, and how those myths express world cultures. I have grown in my creative writing abilities, and have learned the value of meaningful feedback.

Senior Photos - kaitmaddox photography

It feels surreal that I will no longer be taking college courses, but I am so thankful for the classes I went out on. Along with Myth and Folklore, some of my favorite courses this semester have been Genesis: In the Beginning and African American Religious Traditions. In some ways, I think the three classes are connected: that catalogue a few of the most important ways that people make sense of the world around them.

As I complete all of my finals in the coming weeks, I am growing more and more excited to graduate and pursue my career with Teach For America. I am eager to see new places and grow through new experiences, and am especially looking forward to sharing stories with the children in my class! I know that my time in Idaho with TFA will be a tremendous challenge, but I am ready to face that challenge and see how it changes me.

I have plenty to do before I leave Norman for Idaho, in order to give a fitting goodbye to the people and places that have been integral to my four years here. However, before I can do any of that, I want to finish my academic semester well, giving my classes my best effort!

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