I have had the good fortune of learning about growth mindset from multiple professors since beginning college. I love that at OU, so many educators are teaching their students that their potential is not fixed, but rather, with hard work, they can continuously improve. Such teaching has positively impacted my class performance. In relation to academics, I have a growth mindset, and feel that given enough time, I can develop an understanding of any subject. However, there are areas of my life in which a fixed mindset is present. For example, I am not a particularly athletic person, and struggle to believe that my skills will grow with practice.
This semester, I am excited to put a growth mindset to use in my classes, especially those that pertain to religious issues. I also want to challenge myself to move out of a fixed mindset and into a growth mindset as it relates to athleticism, and hope to develop a more active lifestyle.
Hi Jesse! I love the image that you used to show fixed mindset and growth mindset. I feel like you hear a lot about growth mindset, but many people don't actually know what it is. Much like you, I've had the opportunity to learn about it from professors at OU, and that's super cool. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas!